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Creative Writing


Dawn has come within our cradle
I pray you never fade
Dawn has come within our cradle
I love you, my ethereal
Our eyes must have known each other
long before they've met
How did you slowly
Captivate my heart?
I've been alone for too long
You've been there all along
Ethereal love
I will choose you now and everyday
Ethereal love
What I feel for you is certainty
What you make me feel
is more than happiness
Everything is understood
with the depth of your gaze
Ethereal love
I will choose you now and everyday
Ethereal love
What I feel for you is certainty
Sometimes the wind breaks our lines
and pulls us into each other
I will choose nothing but loving you fully
I find peace in the embrace of your magic
I find peace in your embrace27
Ethereal love
I will choose you now and everyday
Ethereal love
What I feel for you is certainty
Ethereal love
Please don't fade away in my everyday
Ethereal love
I will choose you now (and) Everyday

-    Ben & Ben
      Translated by SLOR