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Creative Writing

Us Against Coronavirus

Us Against Coronavirus

Who would have thought that this small thing
Could bring all people to a swing
The panic and fears that it bring
Is bigger than the disease that clings

Even though this disease is asymptomatic 
Front liners are there to be heroic
So it's important that we shouldn't panic
Now is the time for people to be harmonic

The government told us to stay at home
So don't go out and try to roam
Follow and be patient so this will not last long
Just connect with others through your phone

The disease is spread through droplets, I heard
So wash your hands 
And spread the words

During this lockdown, 
We offer our hands down
To our frontliners fighting to not bring us down
Let’s all bow together and pray to end COVID now

                                                                                       - Alyssa Tizon & Ralf Escoto