Plenty of students have a voice and a story they want to share. As a student of the community, I’d be interested in listening to and supporting my colleagues (Karmela Marquez, 2020).
I would encourage other students to take part this year and see how words can heal your lives. It changes the way you express and makes you feel alive (Sharon Benjy, 2020).
Congratulations to the 2020 #UCQpoetrycontest winners!!
1st Place
"Phantom of Monaresa" by Hanifah Rufai
**A recording of Hanifah reading her winning poem can be found below. Great job Hanifah!
2nd Place
"T H E I D E A" by Rumaisa Uddin
3rd Place
**A recording of Charlene reading her poem can be found below. Great job Charlene!
Submit poems to
With “#UCQpoetrycontest” in the subject line.
Be sure to include your name.
Poems will be accepted from March 8 to March 29, 2020.
Poets can submit more than one poem.
At the start of April, 2020, the best three (3) original poems
Will receive a prize. Stay tuned for the prize announcement!
Poems submitted for the contest will be posted here with the poet's permission.
Please, check this page regularly for new submissions and
support our community's poets.