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APA Referencing

Citing sources in APA format


Place the copyright statement in the table or figure note as shown below. A corresponding references list citation in addition to the copyright statement must also be given.

Whole Book (graphic was found in an authored book)


From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] Title of Book (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, year, Publisher. Copyright [year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

Example Copyright Statement

From Exercise for Frail Elders (2nd ed., p. 134), by E. Best-Martini and K. A. Jones-DiGenova, 2014, Human Kinetics. Copyright 2014 by Human Kinetics. 

Example References List Citation

Best-Martini, E., & Jones-DiGenova, K. A. (2014). Exercise for frail elders (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics.

Edited Book - Chapter (graphic was found in a chapter in a book with separate editors)


From [or Adapted from] "Title of Chapter," by A. A. Author and B. B. Author, in E. E. Editor and F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of Book (any edition or volume number, p. x), year, Publisher (DOI or URL). Copyright year by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

(APA, 2019, p. 390, Table 12.1)

Example Copyright Statement

From "Preventing Diabetes Complications: Non-glucose Interventions," by D. Levy, in Chowdhury T. A. (Ed.), Diabetes management in clinical practice (p. 34), 2014, Springer ( Copyright 2014 by Springer-Verlag.

Example References List Citation

Levy, D. (2014). Preventing diabetes complications: Non-glucose interventions. In T. A. Chowdhury (Ed.), Diabetes management in clinical practice (pp. 21-42). Springer.