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APA Referencing

Citing sources in APA format


Wikipedia is not a scholarly or academic source but does contain some useful general information. If you are unsure about referring to Wikipedia, ask your instructor or visit the Learning Commons to learn more about using sources.

The special feature of a Wikipedia entry is that multiple authors can revise or expand an article at any time, so it is important to cite the archival date for the version you used. Select the "View history" tab and then the time and date of your version.

Format: Title of article. (archival date). In Wikipedia. URL

Example: Nursing in Islam. (2019, July 25). In Wikipedia  

If there is no permanent link to the version you used, provide the date that you accessed the article in your citation as follows:

Format: Title of article. (version date). In Wikipedia. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL

Example: Nursing in Islam. (2019, July 25). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 20, 2019, from

In-Text Citation 

Use only a parenthetical citation for sources without an author: ("Nursing in Islam," 2019).


American Psychological Association. (2019a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 037/0000165-000

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