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APA Referencing

Citing sources in APA format

PowerPoint from Course D2L

PowerPoint or lecture notes from D2L

Even though you may access course lecture materials (PowerPoints, handouts, etc.) by going online and navigating through webpages, these materials are usually delivered through a course management system, such as D2L. Classroom materials are usually cited for assignments associated with a course, so your audience (instructor and classmates) would have access to the source. If this is the case, use the following as an example.


Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of lecture or document [Format]. 

(See APA, p. 347, note 102; p. 259, note 8.8)


Norred, F. (2020, October 11). APA and academic integrity [PowerPoint]. D2L. 


APA Style. (2019a). Classroom or intranet resources.

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