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APA Referencing

Citing sources in APA format


Books include works that are put together by an author(s), editor(s), or organizational group.

You will need to provide a book reference when the book has been written by the same person or persons. However, if you are citing a chapter written by a different author than the book editor, refer to "Chapters in Books." 

When formatting your book references, choose the example below that best matches the book you are referencing. Further examples of book references can be found on the APA style blog at this link.

**If a book does not have an edition number, you should put a full-stop after the title of the book and continue writing the reference without an edition number.


Book With a DOI Number

Format: Author, A. (copyright year). Title of book (# ed.). Publishing Company.

Example: Basavanthappa, B. (2007). Psychiatric mental health nursing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing.


Book Without a DOI Number

Format: Author, A. (copyright year).Title of book (#  ed.). Publishing Company.

Example: Van Leeuwen, A. M., & Bladh, M. L. (2019). Davis's comprehensive manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications (8th ed.). F. A. Davis.


Online Book With a Non-Database URL

Format: Author, A. (copyright year). Title of book (# ed.). http://xxxxxxxxxx

Example: World Health Organization. (2018). INSPIRE Handbook: Action for implementing the seven strategies for ending violence
                         against children.

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