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APA Referencing

Citing sources in APA format

Newspaper Articles

Because newspapers are published daily, the month and day must also be given in the publication date. The examples here are for newspapers that have print publication. Your citation will provide a URL if you used the online version.  For news websites that do not have print versions, use citation style for a webpage.

Newspaper article (print)

Format: Author(s). (Year, Month day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, page #.

Example: Jelliti, M. (2019, December 2). Qatar steps up efforts to provide secure online services: Hashimi. The Qatar Tribune, 2.

Example - No Author:

Over 1,700 women cared for by Postnatal Community Midwifery Home Care Services. (2019, December 2). The Peninsula, Home 7.

Newspaper article (online)

Format: Author(s). (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper.  http://xxxxxxxxxx

Example: Varghese, J. (2018, October 15). Nationwide vaccination drive starts to fight influenza. The Gulf Times.

Example - No Author:

HMC’s home care teams offer support to more than 1,850 elderly patients each month. (2019, November 24). The Gulf Times.


American Psychological Association. (2019a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 037/0000165-000

American Psychological Association. (2019b). Reference examples: Webpage on a website.

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