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Information & Academic Literacy

Year 3 BNRT & Year 2 Winter / Spring Terms PDBN

Attributes of Year 3 BNRT (full academic year) and Year 2 PDBN (winter / spring terms) competencies for students focus on intermediate level analysis of the knowledge, comprehension, and experience of applying their growing understanding and awareness.

Area Competency Attributes
Academic Integrity Develop self-efficacy and metacognitive awareness (ACRL, 2013) through a proactive approach to understanding directions for assignments and meeting deadlines

Planning for and outlining assignments considers all stages of assignment process: searching, outlining, drafting, review/redrafting.

Student is now developing a personal strategy for approaching / planning for a task.

  Understand the value of attribution and engagement of sources and apply appropriate APA style citations to reveal discourse with these texts

Integrating source material skillfully into text using paraphrase, summary, and language of attribution.

Direct quotation is selectively used.

Exploring beyond minimum number of sources; beginning to look for “right” sources.

  Edit and develop written work distinguishing between revision for macro-level concerns (focus, source use, organization, logic) and micro-level concerns (grammar, mechanics, and spelling, APA format; ICAS, 2002) Exploring resources purposefully to support development based on feedback provided by peers and the Writing Centre as well as self-identified areas of improvement.
  Write as part of a process of discovery, including one’s role within that discovery, in producing text-based knowledge and discourse using different methodologies (ACRL, 2013) Illustrating difference and similarity in positions and approaches to a topic or problem through paraphrase and summary.
Reading Actively and critically analyze and respond to text materials throughout the reading and writing process (ACRL, 2013) Clearly differentiating between ideas from the primary and secondary source authors in recognition of how secondary sources are utilized within a primary text.
  Predict the direction of an argument through rhetorical and structural cues with an understanding of how the parts form a whole and application of this knowledge to own discourse (reading, writing, listening) Critiquing and analyzing texts to assess the quality of the evidence based on disciplinary expectations (i.e. standards for qual, quant, and RCT studies, etc.).

Distinguish different disciplinary discourses and intended audiences (ACRL, 2013)

Questioning and appraising the validity / strength of different types of evidence through active questioning.

  Speculate within application of critical thinking and analysis to texts and source materials 

Analyzing and questioning the structure and soundness of arguments and evidence in source materials.

Inferring possible uses or applications of information to a specific topic.

Discourse Communicate and consult via various electronic media (email, discussion boards, etc.; ICAS, 2002)

Integrating formal language in positive responses, asking questions, making requests, and raising contrary points.

Responses extend the discussion beyond the main / original point of the communication.

  Create documents in a variety of media and formats (e.g. PowerPoint, posters, digital journals and blogs, etc.)

Structuring the presentation of information within the scope or limitations of a specific medium to best address both content and audience.

Title focused on and reflects the main idea of the document.

Headings crafted to guide the reader.

  Clearly and concisely communicate at the appropriate level for intended audience and disciplinary discourse (ACRL, 2013) Distinguishing among different rhetorical modes to organize an argument.
  Structure writing according to purpose and audience with argument and evidence clearly organized and synthesized in logically developed rhetorical arrangements (ICAS, 2002) 

Pointing out themes across different sources for the purpose of exploring validity (strengths and weaknesses) within argumentation.

Beginning to see synthesis in argumentation rather than static reporting of source information.

  Consider the influence of cultural, historical political and social context on the production of texts (ACRL, 2013) Prioritizing the selection of source material according to personal comfort level in presenting certain styles of discourse.