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Information & Academic Literacy

Information Literacy Defined

Information Literacy Definition

Information literacy (IL) can be seen as an "in integrated set of abilities and attributes necessary for effectively navigating the ever-changing information landscape" (ALA, 2015;  ACRL, 2013; CILIP, 2018 p.3; IFLA, 2015). IL is the "ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information found and used” (CILIP, 2018, p. 3). 

At UCQ, information literacy is broken down into five main areas: ask, define, search, evaluate, and scholarship.

An Information Literate Individual

  • displays critical thinking, flexibility and reflection in discovering, evaluating, interpreting, communicating and creating information (ALA, 2015; ACRL, 2013; CILIP, 2018 p.3; IFLA, 2015);
  • is aware that they are consumers and contributors in the information ecosystem with a responsibility to participate ethically (ALA, 2015; ACRL, 2013; CILIP, 2018 p.3; IFLA, 2015); and
  • is empowered “to reach and express informed views and to engage fully with society” (CILIP, 2018, p.3).