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Faculty Publications

2023 Publications

Albalushi, S. L. A., Khraim, F., Al-Tawafsheh, A. M. M., & Forgrave, D. (2023). Effect of pre-operative education on post-operative pain management among adult patients undergoing elective surgery: An integrative review. Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 36(2), e42-e52. Available online

Bawazir, N., Johnson, J., Abdulhadi, K., & Forgrave, D. (2023). Exploring peer victimization and/or bullying in the lives of adolescents and children with deafness and hearing impairment: An integrative review. International Journal of Healthcare, 9(1). Available online

Bivarchi, A. A., Johnson, J., Al Sulaiteen, M., & Forgrave, D. (2023). Factors influencing rehabilitation and education in children who have cochlear implants: An integrative review. International Journal of Healthcare, 9(1), 30-37. Available online

Elhamaida, F. S., Khraim, F., Arbabi, H., Forgrave, D., & Ansar, S. (2023). Framework for roles and responsibilities of nurses in nurse-led cardiovascular disease clinics in primary health care: An integrative review. International Journal of Healthcare9(2), 26-33. Available online

Farraj, N. H., Toosi, A., Al Qahtani, A., Forgrave, D., & Ansar, S. (2023). Supporting the resilience of healthcare workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: An integrative review. International Journal of Healthcare9(2), 8-18. Available online

Hamato, O. H., Johnson, J., Arbabi, H., Forgrave, D., & Ansar, S. (2023). Exploring factors contributing to the risk of falls in community-dwelling older adults: A review of the literature. International Journal of Healthcare9(2), 34-44. Available online

Itaiwah, D. I. Z., Johnson, J., Abdulla, E., Forgrave, D., &  Mohammed, S. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness of culturally specific diabetic management programs within primary health care settings: A Review of the literature. Middle East Journal of Nursing, 17(1), 3-23. Available online

Nassar, S. A., Khraim, F., Forgrave, D., & Hajaj, A. (2023). Self-reported functional status among spinal cord injury patients using the spinal cord independence measures III: Integrative literature review. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma & Acute Care, 2023(4), 30. Available online