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The Writing Centre uses the online scheduler, WCOnline, for all appointments.

Codes: FL, frag, Ital

FL          Flush left

Each line of your text should begin at the left margin. The right margin of the text should be uneven (not full-justification)..

For more, see our LCGuide.

frag          Fragment

This group of words does not have all the necessary components of a complete sentence: Subject + Verb + Object or Complement.

Example with Error: Transformational leadership style increases job satisfaction; thereby reduces staff shortage.
Example with Correction: Transformational leadership style increases job satisfaction; thereby, it reduces staff shortage.

For more, see our LCGuide.

Ital          Italics

According to APA guidelines, italics should be used to stress a key or important word or phrase.

Only use italics the first time you use the key word or phrase.

Example with Error: Key words used in the literature search were “nurs*”, “auto*”, and “satisfaction”.
Example with Correction: Key words used in the literature search were nurs*, auto*, and satisfaction.

For more, see our LCGuide.