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Code begins with T to V

T.S.          Topic sentence

A topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph, and it expresses the main idea or argument of the whole paragraph. Make sure that your topic sentence is “on-topic” and guides the reader.

For more, see our LCGuide.

TW          Transition word use

Use transition words and phrases only when necessary, usually between two related independent clauses.

In most cases, you should explain the relationship between ideas as a transition word or phrase may not have the correct or intended meaning.

Example with Error: Nurses have many responsibilities. In addition, these responsibilities include patient care, communication with families, documentation, and so much more.
Example with Correction: Nurses have many responsibilities. In particular, these responsibilities include patient care, communication with families, documentation, and so much more.

See Organizing Ideas

V or VT          Verb or Verb tense error

Verbs describe the action of the subject in sentences and link subjects and objects/or/complements. The most common verb errors are with tense (present or past), agreement with subject, or confusion with helper verbs. Use simple verb form when you can.

Example with Error:  A nurse practitioner can helped patients and to provide health care needs.
Example with Correction: A nurse practitioner can help patients and provide health care needs.

For more, see our LCGuide.