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Appendices that follow the APA 7th edition guidelines need to follow very specific formatting guidelines.
In addition to each appendix being on a separate page, these guidelines include the following main components.
Label: If a paper only has one appendix, label it “Appendix;” if a paper has more than one appendix, label each appendix with a capital letter in the order in which it is mentioned in the text (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.). The label should be in bold font and centered on the first line of the page.
Title: The appendix title appears one double-spaced line below the label. Give each appendix a brief but descriptive title, and capitalize the appendix title in title case.
Text: If an appendix contains text, the paragraphs should be written as regular indented paragraphs like in the body of the paper.
Tables & Figures in Appendices: Appendices often contain individual tables or figures. When an appendix has a single table or a single figure, the appendix label takes the place of the table or figure number, and the appendix title takes the place of the table or figure title.
Note: Notes with appendices will follow the same structure and format as in tables or figures. The note below an appendix provides details necessary to understand the information in the appendix and often a copyright statement if the data, table, or image in an appendix has been taken from another source. For more on how to compose a copyright statement and citation, click here.
The video at this linkprovides a clear explanation and example of APA formatted appendices.