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Tables show data or statistics, which support the information in your assignment, in columns and rows.
Figures are visual presentations of information that are not in table format, including pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams.
You need to consider the following when using tables or figures in your assignments and papers: necessity; relation to text; citation; integrity and independence; organization, consistency and coherence. These topics are covered individually in the tabs on the left side of this screen.
Watch this 11-minute video about adding tables and figures to your papers and assignments.
Smart Student. (2021, January 24). How to add tables and figures in academic papers: APA 7th edition [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytnies1s65o
The following 20-minute video offers an extended lesson on creating APA tables and figures.
Clickhereor on the image to access the video in D2L
Watch this 18-minute video for an extended lesson that focuses on APA 7th edition tables.
APA Style Videos by Sam. (2021, February 1). APA style 7th edition tables [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTp6eK0ZnE8