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The D2L Dropbox folder is an assignment submission folder where students upload completed assignments such as document, graphic, audio, and video, files. A separate Dropbox folder is required for each assessment item submission. Each Dropbox needs to be associated with Gradebook assessment items in order to transfer grades assigned in the Dropbox to Gradebook.
How to Setup a Dropbox?
In the Navigation Bar, click Assessments.
In the dropdown menu, click Dropbox.
Click New Folder.
Enter Name in the Name Field.
Add brief Instructions in the Instruction Field(optional).
The Score Out of value must match the Max Points value assigned to that assessment item in Gradebook.
Select the corresponding Grade Item from the dropdown menu from "In Grades". ( Refer to "How to Create a Grade Item").
Click File upload to attach assignment details(optional).
Availability Dates and Conditions
Enter "Start Date" and "End Date".
Click on "Manage Special access" to grand special access to students.
Submission and Completion
Under Assignment Type, choose either Individual Submission or Group Submission.