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The Chat tool is a real-time, text-based collaboration tool. Faculties can use the Chat tool to collaborate with students from brainstorming ideas, conduct a question and answer period, hold a discussion, and to organize a study group.
There ate two types of chats in D2L.
Personal chat
These are are private chats and visible only to users who have added to the chat’s participants list. You can add a group/section of students as the partcipants.
General chat
General chats are public chats visible to everyone enrolled in the course. Instructors can create general chat rooms to incorporate chat discussions into the teaching of a course since they are automatically open to all users enrolled in the course.
How to create a chat?
To create a chat, follow the instruction as given below.
Click on the Communication navbar and choose chat
Click on New chat
Enter a Title.
Choose the type of chat. Click Personal Chat if you are planning to enroll selected participants only. For example , chat for a section of class only. Click General chat if your chat should be visible to all the members of the course.
Enter a Description of the chat.
Click Create.
Add users into a personal chat
Click on the Communication navbar and choose chat
Click on the dropdown next to the chat name.
Click View Members
Click Add Members.
Change the value in Viewby dropdown if you wish to see the student's name by group/sections.
Select all or required participant using the checkbox next to each name.
Click Add.
Once all changes are made, Click Done.
Delete users from a personal chat
Click on the Communication navbar and choose chat
Click on the dropdown next to the chat name.
Click View Members
Click and select the checkbox against the participant name, which are suppose to be deleted.