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Effective Transitions

Getting Started

Effective transitions help you switch from one idea or topic to another idea or topic in your writing.

Transitions can be made inside paragraphs, between paragraphs, and/or between different sections of a paper or assignment.

Inside Paragraphs

Inside paragraphs, you might make a transition from one thought (clause) to another thought (clause) within a single sentence. You might also make a transition from one idea (sentence) to another idea (sentence). These types of transitions are most often done using coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, transitional words or phrases, pronouns, repetition of key words, and parallel structure.

More information about these types of transitions can be found in the "Sentences" section on the left side of the screen.

Between Paragraphs

Between paragraphs, you will most often make a transition from one topic to another topic. If you have planned well, the topics of paragraphs that are beside each other will often have a relationship to each other. Expressing this relationship between the two topics can make a clear transition from one topic (paragraph) to the next topic (paragraph). This type of transition will help the person who is reading your writing to follow and understand your ideas. These types of transitions are most often done in the concluding sentence of one paragraph and/or the topic sentence of the next paragraph.

More information about these types of transitions can be found in the "Paragraphs" section on the left side of the screen.

Between Sections

Between sections of a paper or assignment, you will most often show a transition from one main topic to the next main topic using APA formatted headings. APA headings help the person who is reading your writing to understand the main topics of your paper, the relationships between these main topics, and how you have organized your writing. APA headings will help the reader to follow and understand the content of your paper or assignment.

More information about this type of transition can be found in the "Papers/Assignments" section on the left side of the screen.