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UCQ Master of Nursing Theses

Master students' thesis topics by class

Graduates of 2021

Al Fatemi, M. (2021). Barriers to the implementation of the advanced practice nursing role in primary health care settings: An integrative review. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Al Ghanem, M. (2021). Barriers and facilitator to implementing a baby-friendly hospital initiative. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Alnaemi, H. (2021). The experiences of nurses and midwives providing maternal and pediatric care in diverse contexts: Qualitative systematic review. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Bivarchi, F. (2021). Barriers to the early detection and intervention of children with autism spectrum disorders in Qatar: A recommendation for development of an educational guide. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Hamdan, R. (2021). Assessing the barriers towards colorectal cancer screening: A literature review. [Unpublished Master Thesis]