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UCQ Master of Nursing Theses

Master students' thesis topics by class

Our Graduates of 2015

Abdulla Jassin, M. S. S. (2015). An integrative review: Best evidence based practice in improve quality of life of post mastectomy women in Qatar. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Ahmed Ali N. (2015). Palliative care nurse' stressors, copying and supports: A literature review. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Ali Abdul Kader, S. (2015). Best practice guidelines for Ostomy care and management: Adapting guidelines to the Qatar context. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Amjad Pervez S.K. (2015) Evidence-based strategies to prevent central venous access devices related bloodstream infection in Oncology patients: A review of the literature. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Idris, Z. M. (2015). Factors that influence preferred place of death in persons with terminal cancer: Literature review. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Moosa Salen Ali, A. (2015). Roles and responsibilities of the Advanced Practice Nurses in Primary Health Care in Qatar. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Nazir Band, N. (2015). The role of clinical nurse specialist worldwide: A review of the literature. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Nazir Band, N. (2015). Health care transformation and advanced nursing practice in Qatar: Pilot testing a tool to assess practice patterns of oncology advanced clinical nurse specialist (ANCNSs) in Qatar.

Yassin, K. S. (2015). The social organization of nurses' pain management work in Qatar. [Unpublished Master Thesis]

Younis Nizar Al Bulushi, A. M. (2015). Evaluation of the quality of life instrument for palliative care patients in Qatar. [Unpublished Master Thesis]