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Citation Management

How to store and reuse your citations?

Getting Started

Installing Mendeley Desktop

Download the Mendeley desktop version and sign in with your Mendely account. If you do not have a Mendely account, sign up for one. Having a desktop version will facilitate to add and access your files anywhere, from any device.

Installing Word Citation plugin

Installing a Mendeley citation plugin for Word document is a one time activity. To install a citation plugin for MS word,

  1. Go to you Mendeley desktop.
  2. Click on Tools-->Install MS Word Plugin. Make sure that all you MS office applications are closed.
  3. The installation will start and you will receive a confirmation when done.
  4. Open MS Word. Click on Reference tab and make sure you have the Mendeley Cite-o-matic in the tool bar.
  5. Click on the Style drop down and choose American Psychological Association 7th edition.
Installing Browser plugin

Web Import is the quickest way to add a citation to your Mendeley library.  Mendeley web importer is available for most popular web browsers including chrome, Firefox, safari etc. Web Importer enable researchers to add citations or full text for papers, web pages, and other documents directly in to mendeley account from search engine or database. To install a web import,

  1. Open Mendeley desktop
  2. Click on Tools --> Install Web Importer


  1. Visit the Mendeley Web Importer page.Now click on the preferred browser for initiating the web importer installation.

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