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Evidence-based Practice (EBP)

Answer basic questions to improve your practice.

Level 3. Synopses of Syntheses

"...a synopsis that summarizes the findings of a high-quality systematic review can often provide sufficient information to support clinical action..." (DiCenso et al., 2009)


Summary & analysis of Systematic Review of Meta-Analysis.


  • Summary and analysis of the methodology and results of a single research study that was conducted
  • Shorter in length (1 page, average)
  • Reference list will be short as it is evaluating one 1 research study


The following databases provide both synopses of syntheses (Level 3) and synopses of studies (Level 5)

Level 3 examples - see Level 4 examples for the reviews that are synopsized here
example 1 (from DARE) | example 2 (from DARE)