Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making within health care organizations. This model of clinical decision making combines the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and the values and preferences of the patient. The purpose of EBP is to provide informed clinical care that leads to the best outcomes for patients.
EBP is used in many speciality areas of healthcare. It is an "umbrella term" which encompasses evidence-based nursing, evidence-based medicine, evidence-based public health, evidence-based dentistry, etc.
Duke University. (2015). Introduction to evidence-based practice (image). Retrieved from http://guides.mclibrary.duke.edu/c.php?g=158201&p=1036021
The cycle of EBP can be broken down into 5 general steps. The image below provides a brief overview of the steps.
5 steps in evidence based practice. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.anatomy-physiotherapy.com/various/articles/systems/various/ability-of-pts-to-undertake-evidence-based-practice
" The JHNEBP Model is a powerful problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making, and is accompanied by user-friendly tools to guide individual or group use. It is designed specifically to meet the needs of the practicing nurse and uses a three-step process called PET: practice question, evidence, and translation. The goal of the model is to ensure that the latest research findings and best practices are quickly and appropriately incorporated into patient care."
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Source:The Johns Hopkins Nursing Center for Evidence-Based Practice: Models and Tools.