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UCQ uses the Gibbs Model.

Getting Started


Reflection does more than provide a description of a situation or event. It is a process of using our critical / creative minds to evaluate where we are at, where we have been, and where to go next.

Reflection is often seen as systematic way to think about your experience(s) with the goal of learning from these experiences and, perhaps, changing your behaviour(s).


This process helps healthcare practitioners to find solutions to daily problems or challenges in practice, which leads to critical thinking and evidence-based practice (EBP) knowledge .

The current Qatar Council for Health Practitioners (2016) handbook for continuing professional development acknowledges the value of this reflective process. It includes reflection as one of its founding educational principles, requiring healthcare practitioners to “continuously reflect on the evidence that informs their practice” (p. 6).


​Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners. (2016). QCHP-AD continuing professional development program: A manual for healthcare practitioners.