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Searching for Scholarly Articles

Some basics on finding relevant articles.

Additional words

What would be another word for nurse and degree TIP: Look in a thesaurus for similar words and the dictionary to define the word. These two types of resources help to find other words (terms) in your search.

For our example: the words

  • "nurse" - the definition provides too many words. If you have too many words for a term, you may not find many results. Similar words for nurse refer to the verb not the person or profession. Is the term still important? If so, use it alone and review the results.

  • "degree" - is defined as part of a bachelor's degree. Similar words are: Academic degree or baccalaureate degree, as some databases show. These like-terms appear in the results when degree is used alone. Hence, it is a good reason to search one term at a time.

With each set of words (terms), you will need to use connectors between them.


  • "OR" between the synonyms,
  • "AND" between the necessary words (terms).

Note: The quotes are there for emphasis. Do not use them in addition to the connector.