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There are five printers for students to send documents to. Printing is monitored.

Would you like to copy the document to another piece of paper?

  1. Log in with your pin. Learn how to use your pin here.
  2. Press the COPIER button.
  3. Place the document you want to copy at the glass panel or feeder on the machine.
  4. To have the colour, select Full color or Black and white as appropriate.
  5. Choose the desired settings for choosing the sides of a paper.
    • To copy one sided documents to two sided.
    • To copy two sided documents to two sided.
    • To copy one sided document to half of a page.
    • To copy one sided document to one fourth of a page.​
  6. To have papers organized, choose the desired setting. By default papers will be organized in the Stack order.
  7. To enlarge or reduce A4 --> A3 or vice versa, choose the desired settings.
  8. To have more than one copy, enter the number using number key.
  9. Once settings are complete, click on the Start button and automatically the copied document will go directly to the output tray for your collection.