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This database is from the Canadian Pharmacists Association, which combines the full text of the CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties) with the content of Therapeutic Choices, which offers in-depth drug treatment information for a wide range of conditions. It includes a drug interaction tool, as well as patient information.
This database has been created by the clinicians right through to the first aid professional to support in the diagnosis of visually identifiable diseases. It provides instant access to specialist knowledge at the point of care, merging medical images with concise clinical text. Includes more than 18,000 images representing over 1,000 visually identifiable diseases, drug reactions, and infections.
This database is available freely online database with information on drugs and lactation. It is an addition to the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) TOXNET resources covering toxicology, chemical safety, and environmental health. Healthcare practitioner and nursing mother will benefit from its information. LactMed contains over 450 drug records. It can be combined with TOXNET's other databases to obtain additional and relevant information about drugs.
This database provides current and authoritative data for health professionals and students. With the full text, graphics, images and illustrations of the most recent editions of world-class medical references in internal medicine, cardiology, genetics, pharmacology, diagnosis and management, basic sciences, as well as patient care along with daily content updates, it provides critical information meeting needs for clinical decision making.