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Borrowing Resources

Take resources out of the library and bring back on a set date.

Checking-out/ Borrowing Policies

Students can borrow books and other library resources from two hours to two weeks. 

Borrowing Policies

  • UCQ  staff and faculty will be able to borrow library resources for a term.
  • There is no limit to books, which one user can sign out from the Learning Commons collection.
  • Students must provide their UCQ ID cards to borrow library materials.
  • Faculty and staff, kindly identify yourself at the circulation desk.

To borrow a book, please visit the Learning Commons Service Desk where the item will be signed out to you.

Borrowing Duration

Resource type Student

Staff or


 Community or


Books on the public shelf Term Term Two weeks
Books on reserve Two hours Two hours Two hours (depending on the demands)
Laptops (1 week) One week Only under special circumstances No Access
Laptops (1 day)

Return same day

(30 minutes before closing)

Only under special circumstances​​​​​​ No access
iPad for students Two weeks No Access No access
Faculty iPads No Access For the required duration of class/seminars/meeting No Access


Note: Digital materials such as book chapters, journal articles, audio files and videos can be accessed through the course shell of D2L. For any questions please, visit the Learning Commons.