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Present your achievements online

Creation of a Collection


Visible steps

Once you have added some items to your D2L site through the ePortfolio, you need to present them in a folder or collection.

From "My Tools" menu, choose the option "ePortfolio."


Now click on "New Collections" as shown below. Note" the item added before is shown in this image below, entitled "PICOT PowerPoint."


On your next page you will enter in the field name for "Name" and "Description," as shown.




 For example, this collection is entitled "My Portfolio" as shown.

  Then click "Save."


On the next page, ensure the following checkboxes are checked so comments and assessments are allowed. Then click on "Add to Collection" to add to your newly created collection.


  On the next window click on "Artifacts, Presentations, Reflections, or Learning Objectives"  as shown below. 


Then choose the item(s) to add to your collection as shown below. When finished choosing the item(s), click on "add." In this example, the PICOT PowerPoint is being added to the collection.

Next you will view all the contents of the collection. In the continuing example, the file named "PICOT PowerPoint" is listed. Note the naming fields and descriptions for the collection and item are visiable.