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Book a Study Room

The LC has space for you to use. You need to book the space though.

How to Book a Study Room?

To book a study room, visit the Room booking(WC online) page. 

1. Enter the "UCQ email" address and WCOnline "password".

For first time users, you may need to create a WConline account using the "Register for an account" option. Please use your UCQ email address while registering the account.


2. Choose "Study Room Booking" from the following and click "LOG ON".  

3. Select the study room and click on the "preferred time". 



4. verify the reserved time and room number before you proceed to click on "Create Appointment".

5. Review the confirmation message and click "Close Window".


6.  You can now see the "Booked room" and "Time" on the study room booking page in Yellow.



Note: Maximum time to book a study room is 3 hours. A student can book the study rooms up to 3 times a week.