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Use Your Assignment Rubric to Check Your Headings and Details
Read your rubric carefully. Rubrics often clearly highlight exactly what your instructor is looking for when they grade.
This is what your instructor is hoping to find when they read your paper. Looking at the "excellent" category often has a breakdown of all the items you need to have in order to achieve full marks. Make note of the items in this description and check your outline: Are all the same things included in your outline?
Sometimes the rubric also shows the organization that the instructor is looking for. Do the sections in the rubric match with your headings?
Rubrics often give clear details about how much evidence you are expected to use and where you should use it. The rubric may include how many outside sources you need to include. It may also explain where you are expected to include evidence (e.g., a specific section). You can include a note in your outline that evidence is required; this will help you remember when you start to write.
Use your Rubric as a Checklist Before Submission
Before you submit your paper, use the "excellent" criteria as a checklist. Did you include everything your instructor is looking for? Can you find the evidence to prove that it is there? if you can't, you may need to add more.