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Alumni & Guests

Alumni and Guest

Services for Alumni and Community Users

How to get Alumni Database Access?

There are a limited number of databases accessible to UC Alumni using the alumni registration. Go to the Alumni Library & Database Access to view the list of resources available to you as a UCQ alumni member.

Please note alumni access now requires an IT Username (what you previously logged into your ucalgary email account with). This was changed from eID in early 2022. If you do not recall your account name or password, please reset the username/password.

How can I borrow books from UCQ LC?

The healthcare community in Qatar OR UCQ Alumni can register with us as community members to borrow our physical books. Please email  or call 4406 5231 or visit Learning Commons for registration/enquiries.


The University of Calgary's subscribed electronic resources are primarily accessible to our current employees and students only. Also, technologies like iPad and laptops are not lendable to Alumni and Community users.