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APA Formatting

How to format your assignment in APA style

Table Format

Tables may be placed in the body of your paper or on separate pages after your references list. If you place a table in the body of your paper, it must be placed as close as possible to the first place it is referred to in the text.

Different kinds of documents and projects, such as thesis projects, may follow different guidelines. Always ask.

Use the Table function in Microsoft Word to create your table as shown in the video at this link..


The table label (e.g., Table 1) and title are placed above the table as shown. An introduction to the format in APA tables can be found in the video at this link, while an extended lesson on the format used in APA tables can be found in the video at this link.

The note below the table provides details necessary to understand the information in the table and often a copyright statement if the data or the table itself has been taken from another source. For more on how to compose a copyright statement and citation, click here.

Example 1 - Author created table (no copyright statement needed)

Example 2 - Selected data or table reproduced from another source (copyright statement needed)

More Information

"Sample Tables," APA Style